Senin, 12 November 2012

This is my Monday Story...

This is my Monday Story....
I've read the learning method that I posted before and I'd like to give it a try myself to see how well I can get the benefit of that method. But what happen next was...

06.40 AM
This morning I had a class at 7am, Batubara dan Pemanfaatannya by Prof. Rudy Sayoga Gautama, but I woke up late so instead of getting late to get into the class, I prefered not to have breakfast that time. At the beginning of the class, I tried so hard to focused to the subject, but finally as the result not having breakfast, I fell to sleep in the middle of the class. I think I was not the only one who slept that time (hahaha tried to defend).

Around 8.00 AM
I tried to focus to Pak Rudy's explanation in the rest of the lesson.

9.00 AM
The class was over and I went straight to my room. Turn on my PC and played DOTA until 11 AM

11.00 AM
Had another class. This time it's Mining Management by Prof. Irwandy Arif. 

Around 12.00, the class was over. The next class was one o'clock, so in the spare time I played card with my friends at Mabes HMT.

Again it was Mr. Rudy Sayoga who gave the lecture, but this time the subject was Mining Environment. He explained about the prevention and the mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage. Yeah..yeah, this time I totally focus in the class. I still remember about the explanation of the advection and the diffusion. And the stratified compaction method that used to prevent the forming of acid by piling the PAF (Potential Acid Forming) matter up with NAF (Non-Acid Forming) matter.

Around 1.00 AM
The class was over and i played card with my friends. I think it is my habitual manner spending my time by playing card

Around 3.00 PM
It started raining and then I remembered that I had to get my laundry as soon as possible. But it was a wild-goose. All of my clothes got wet. Fvck...!!!
I took a bath and then had a nap until 6.00 AM

6.00 PM - 8.00 PM
Tried to finish my homeworks and other assignments. But till now they haven't finished yet. Wkwkwkwk. Maybe I can get them done by tomorrow.

Around 8.10 PM
Turn on my computer, surfing the web, open my facebook, played grand poker on facebook, then start to think what I should write on my blog.
And this is it...!! I wrote the all day activities down.

I hope tomorrow I get something to put into my blog better than this. 

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