Selasa, 23 April 2013

The Girl and The Stalker II : The Beginning of Love

Pre Note: 
It's 2:45 AM when I started to write this post. Do you know about a flick titled "500 Days of Summer"? In that movie, the author said that there are only two kind of people in this world, a boy and a girl. Well in my opinion, there are four exactly, a good man, a jerk, a good woman, and a bitch. In "X2: X-Men United", Jean said to Wolverine that, "Girls flirt with dangerous man, but they marry the good one". Well I will make the assumption that the "dangerous" man is the same as the bad boy or closely equal to a jerk so it is obvious that girls who still have their sense will marry the good man.

Minggu, 21 April 2013

The Girl and The Stalker

This is the story of girls I ever liked since I entered college. Every time I happen to have a crush on a girl, it ends up the same. Yeah I never ever have courage  to tell the girl about my feeling. I just end up being a psycho stalker.

When I was a freshman, I had a crush on a girl  from another class. She was so beautiful. She had a smile that made me want to smile too. She was so perfect. I don't know how to describe her anymore, I just couldn't stand the idea of not meeting her. Yeah but now, she is just another history. 

Senin, 15 April 2013


This morning before I wake up, I had this dream that I met my youngest brother.  In my dream we had a fight, I don't remember how the fight began but all I know that in my dream I was choking someone to death and then my brother was trying to stop me killing the man. After that, I don't know how, and why, because I slapped my brother in his face. The man I saw before has gone without any trace.
Actually I did not only slapped him, I also punched him in his face until his teeth fell off. 

This dream makes me dizzy and I hope it doesn't mean anything.

Jumat, 05 April 2013

The Girlfriend and The Ex

Yesterday I went to my friend's place. And when I was there, I found this friend of mine was in a situation.

He just broke up with a girl but, you know what?
He met another girl in just a week after he broke up. What do you think of that?

Maybe some people think that he is a jerk. Yeah, you may have your own opinion, but he has his own reason. As far as I see, he just move on. Don't cry like women for losing them, but make them cry for losing you as a man. Yeah, you're doing it right, bro.

And then the spark of the fire get bigger, when

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

This is my first post in 2013

On several occasions, I have a thought to write something. But then I realize, it is actually really hard to start even just to write a single  line. One day, when I just finished reading a novel "Lolita" (It's a great novel I think), I had this idea comes to my mind. "To write something great, you have to have a great experience too." What I mean by that is, you have something strong that can attract the reader to live in your book so they can feel the emotions or the ideas within it.

Though some say that it is not actually that hard to write, but that's what I feel. And I think, I should write something in 2013.

Senin, 12 November 2012

This is my Monday Story...

This is my Monday Story....
I've read the learning method that I posted before and I'd like to give it a try myself to see how well I can get the benefit of that method. But what happen next was...

06.40 AM
This morning I had a class at 7am, Batubara dan Pemanfaatannya by Prof. Rudy Sayoga Gautama, but I woke up late so instead of getting late to get into the class, I prefered not to have breakfast that time. At the beginning of the class, I tried so hard to focused to the subject, but finally as the result not having breakfast, I fell to sleep in the middle of the class. I think I was not the only one who slept that time (hahaha tried to defend).

Minggu, 11 November 2012

Learn More, Study Less!

How I Was Able to Ace Exams Without Studying

Editor’s note: Ini asli 100% Copas dari  Scott H. Young yang punya Selamat menikmati...!
In high school, I rarely studied. Despite that, I graduated second in my class. In university, I generally studied less than an hour or two before major exams. However, over four years, my GPA always sat between an A and an A+.
Recently I had to write a law exam worth 100% of my final grade. Unfortunately, I was out of the country and didn’t get back by plane until late Sunday night. I had to write the test at 9 am Monday morning. I got an A after just one hour of review on the plane.
Right now, I’m guessing most of you think I’m just an arrogant jerk. And, if the story ended there, you would probably be right.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Ironi dalam kegalauan

By Michael Sijabat
Duduk di bangku di sudut taman  
Memandang ke kejauhan
Seakan menanti kedatangan seseorang  
Tapi bukan itulah sebenarnya dipikirkannya

Sinar Surya di pagi itu memandangnya
 Seakan kasihan, dia diberi bayangan
Pantulan sinar dirinya  
Terhempas tepat di tanah tempat duduknya
Angin pagi berhembus, menembus bajunya yang lusuh  
Mengalahkan kehangatan sinar surya,

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Cerita 17 Tahun Lalu - Aku dan Oppung Doli -

Saat aku masih kecil, sekitar usia 4 tahun, kami tinggal di rumah oppung di Pematangsiantar, tepatnya di BDB, depan pabrik STTC (Sumatra Tobacco Trading Company). Terkadang di pagi hari aku dibawa oppung doli jalan pagi keliling kompleks tempat tinggal. Biasanya kalau sudah nyampe di halte yang dibuat oleh pabrik STTC, kami beristirahat. Oppung biasanya melihat-lihat ke dalam pabrik, karena memang tembok pembatas pabrik tersebut tidak cukup tinggi untuk ukuran orang dewasa. Dan terkadang oppung menawarkan pundak nya untuk ku agar aku juga bisa ikut melongok ke dalam. Pabrik itu cukup besar, ya, yang bisa terlihat hanyalah gudang-gudang dan beberapa pekerja yang mungkin bekerja di shift malam.  
Kedua orang tuaku adalah pengabdi pendidikan, yang berusaha mencerdaskan anak-anak bangsa ini, sehingga di pagi hari tidak ada yang akan menjaga kami, aku dan adik ku. Ya aku dan adikku dibawa ke pajak (pasar) oleh oppungku. Pagi-pagi sekitar jam 7 kami sudah harus buka kios. Memajang barang-barang dagangan yang kebanyakannya adalah tikar, sapu, dan kompor masak. Sebagai seorang anak kecil saat itu tak banyak yang bisa ku lakukan untuk membantu, kecuali malah menyusahkan saja.